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1. Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective

by Chary (S N); Vyasulu (Vinod) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 CHA.

2. Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective

by Chary (S N); Vyasulu (Vinod) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 CHA.

3. Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective

by Chary (S N); Vyasulu (Vinod) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 CHA.

4. Biotechnological Applications in Environmental Management

by Trivedy (R K); Sharma (Sadhana) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2005; Bs PublicationsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 132-138 57:6 TRI.

5. Environmental Management

by Krishnamoorthy (Bala) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 KRI.

6. Environmental Management

by Krishnamoorthy (Bala) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2005; Prentice Hall Of IndiaAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 KRI.

7. Environmental Management

by Krishnamoorthy (Bala) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2005; Prentice Hall Of IndiaAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 KRI.

8. Environmental Management

by Uberoi (N K) | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH433T 628 UBE.

9. Environmental Management

by Uberoi (N K) | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 UBE.

10. ISO 14000: Environmental Management

by Goetsch (David L); Davis (Stanly B) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): REF 628:65 GOE.

11. Environment Management

by Kumar (Arvind) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2004; APH Publishing CorporationAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 KUM.

12. Environmental Management

by Talwar (Prakash) | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: "D-43, Prithviraj Road, Adarsh Nagar,Delhi - 33" ; 2006; Isha BooksAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 TAL.

13. Environmental Management

by Uberoi (N K) | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 UBE.

14. Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective

by Chary (S N) Eds.; Vinod Vyasulu | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 CHA.

15. Environmental Management Text and Cases

by Bala Krishnamoorthy | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 BAL.

16. Environmental Management: National and Global Perpectives

by Deb (Swapan C).

Edition: Publisher: Jaico Publishing House 9+322Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 DEB.

17. Environmental Management: National and Global Perpectives

by Deb (Swapan C).

Edition: Publisher: Jaico Publishing House 9+322Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 DEB.

18. Green Marketing Strategies

by Amitabha (Ghose).

Publisher: ICFAI Press 10+207Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 AMI.

19. Green Marketing Strategies

by Amitabha (Ghose).

Publisher: ICFAI Press 10+207Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 AMI.

20. Green Marketing Strategies

by Amitabha (Ghose).

Publisher: ICFAI Press 10+207Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 528-532 628:65 AMI.

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