Practical Clothing Construction: Part.1: Basic Sewing Processes
by Mathews (Mary) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: "22 (Old 20), Lady Madhavan Road, Mahalingapuram,Chennai - 600 034" ; 1985; Mary MathewsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH523T 746.4 MAT.
"Practical Clothing Construction: Part.II: Designing, Drafting and Tailoring"
by Mathews (Mary) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: "22 (Old 20), Lady Madhavan Road, Mahalingapuram,Chennai - 600 034" ; 1985; Mary MathewsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH523T 746.4 MAT.
"Practical Clothing Construction: Part.II: Designing, Drafting and Tailoring"
by Mathews (Mary) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: "22 (Old 20), Lady Madhavan Road, Mahalingapuram,Chennai - 600 034" ; 1985; Mary MathewsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 900-903 746.4 MAT.
Object-Oriented Construction Handbook: Developing Application-Oriented Software with the Tools & Materials Approach
by Zullighoven (Heinz) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: "17-A / 1, Main Ring RoadLajpat Nagar IV,New Delhi,New Delhi,India-110 024" ; "Reed Elsevier India P. Ltd.,"; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 697 681.3.425 ZUL.
Building Adaptation
by Douglas (James) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2002; Butterworth - HeinemannAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 871 691 DOU.
Construction Contracting: A Practical Guide to Company Management
by Glough (Richard H); Sears (Glenn A); Sears (Keoki S) | [AUTHOR]. Edition: 7thPublisher: 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): REF 69:657 GLO.
Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook
by Nawy (Edward G) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 1997; Crc PressAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): REF (035) NAW.
Maintenance of Buildings
by Panchdhari (A C) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 871 691 PAN.
"Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods"
by Peurifoy (Robert L); Schexnayder (Clifford J) | [AUTHOR]. Edition: 6thPublisher: 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69.008.5 PEU.
Handbook on Composite Construction: Bridges & Flyovers
by [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 2000; Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG)Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69.
Handbook on Composite Construction Multilevel Car Parks
by [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 2002; Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG)Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69.
Handbook on Composite Construction Multistorey Buildings
by [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 2002; Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG)Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69.
Moment Connections in Composite Construction: Interim Guidance for End-Plate Connections
by Lawson (R M); Gibbons (C) | [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 1995; The Steel Construction InstituteAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69 LAW.
Slim Floor Construction using Deep Decking
by Mullett (D L); Lawson (R M) | [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 1993; The Steel Construction InstituteAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 869 69 MUL.
Specification of Structural Steelwork for Bridges: a Model Appendix 18/1
by Iles (D C) Ed | [AUTHOR] | 22.74. Publisher: 1996; The Steel Construction InstituteAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 522 624.21 ILE.
Design Guidebook for Portal type Preengineered Buildings
by Baishya (Alok); Chanda (Shiladitya) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2006; Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG)Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 871 691 BAI.
Compiler Construction : Principles and Practice
by Louden (Kenneth C) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2007; Thomson LearningAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 783-785 681.3.45.2 LOU.
Compiler Construction : Principles and Practice
by Louden (Kenneth C) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2007; Thomson LearningAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 783-785 681.3.45.2 LOU.
Compiler Construction : Principles and Practice
by Louden (Kenneth C) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2007; Thomson LearningAvailability: Items available for reference: Kumaraguru College of Technology
[Call number: 681.3.45.2 LOU]
(1). Location(s): DL-CSE 681.3.45.2 LOU.
Building Construction
by Varghese (P C) | [AUTHOR]. Publisher: 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 871 691 VAR.