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41. Wind Engineering: Retrospect and Prospect, Vol.V

by New Age International.

Edition: Publisher: New Age International Publishers 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 468 621.438 NEW.
42. Steam and Gas Turbines and Power Plant Engineering

by Yadav (R); Sanjay; Rajay | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 7Publisher: "18-C, Sarojoni Naidu MargAllahabad" ; 2006; Central Publishing HouseAvailability: Items available for reference: Kumaraguru College of Technology [Call number: 621.438 YAD] (1). Location(s): DL-ME 621.438 YAD.

by HAN.

Edition: Publisher: 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 468 621.438 HAN.
44. Investment Casting: A Treasure Trove

by Sriramamurthy (A M).

Publisher: Delhi ; Defence Research and Development Organisation ; 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 550 621.438:629.7.025 SRI.
45. Fans and Compressors Handbook

by Rebello (Patrick).

Edition: 1Publisher: Jaipur ; Oxford Book Company ; 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 468 621.438 REB.
46. Structure Design for Wind Turbine Blade

by Tongguang (Wang) | Cheng (Chen) | Hui (Li).

Edition: 1Publisher: Delhi ; Narosa Publishing House ; 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 468 621.438 TON.

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