Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
by Goldberg (David E). Publisher: Pearson Education 13+412Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 GOL.
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
by Levitin (Anany). Edition: Publisher: Pearson Education 20+524+16Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Binding 16 681.3.3 LEV.
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
by Levitin (Anany). Edition: Publisher: Pearson Education 20+524+16Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 671-673 681.3.3 LEV.
by Johnsonbaugh (Richard); Schaefer (Marcus). Publisher: Pearson Education 13+752Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 JOH.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
by Goldberg (David E). Publisher: Pearson Education 13+412Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 GOL.
Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis
by Baase (Sara); Gelder (Allen Van). Edition: Publisher: Pearson Education 19+688Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): DL-CSE 681.3.3 BAA.
Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems
by Coello Coello (Carlos A); Lamont (Gary B). Edition: Publisher: Springer 21+800Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 CEL COE.
by Berman (Kenneth A); Paul (Jerome L). Publisher: Cengage Learning India Private Ltd 759Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 BER.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
by Dave (Parag H); Dave (Himanshu B). Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. 33+807Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 DAV.
by Johnsonbaugh (Richard); Schaefer (Marcus). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 13+752Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 JOH.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning
by Goldberg (Daivid E). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 13+412Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 GOL.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning
by Goldberg (Daivid E). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 13+412Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 GOL.
Algorithm Design
by Kleinberg (Jon); Tardos (Eva). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 23+838Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 KLE.
Algorithm Design
by Kleinberg (Jon); Tardos (Eva). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 23+838Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 KLE.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning
by Goldberg (Daivid E). Publisher: Dorling Kindersely (India) Pvt Ltd 13+412Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 820-821 681.3.48.4 GOL.
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms
by Horowitz (Ellis); Sahni (Sartaj); Rajasekaran (Sanguthevar). Edition: Publisher: Universities Press (India) Limited 20+773+IRAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 671-673 681.3.3 HOR.
Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems
by Coello Coello (Carlos A); Lamont (Gary B). Edition: Publisher: Springer (India) P. Ltd., 21+800Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 671-673 681.3.3 COE.
Complexity Theory: Exploring the Limits of Efficient Algorithms
by Wegener (Ingo). Publisher: Springer (India) P. Ltd., 11+308Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 WEG.
Complexity Theory: Exploring the Limits of Efficient Algorithms
by Wegener (Ingo). Publisher: Springer (India) P. Ltd., 11+308Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 WEG.
Complexity Theory: Exploring the Limits of Efficient Algorithms
by Wegener (Ingo). Publisher: Springer (India) P. Ltd., 11+308Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): MGCL Shelf No 44 510.5 WEG.