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101. "Construction Technology, Vol.3"

by Chudley | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 1976; ELBS LongmanAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH835T 69 CHU.

102. Structures

by Marshall | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 1969; ELBSAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH403T 624.01 MAR.

103. Structures

by Marshall | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 1969; ELBSAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.D88 624.01 MAR.

105. Water Supply Engineering

by Santosh Kumar | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 3Publisher: 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 439 628.1 SAN.

106. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering

by Rangwala | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 9Publisher: 1969; Charotar Publishing HouseAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.D127 628.1+.6 RAN.

107. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering

by Rangwala | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 9Publisher: 1969; Charotar Publishing HouseAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 439 628.1+.6 RAN.

109. Industrial Engineering and Management

by Khanna | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 7Publisher: 1977; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: DAMAGED 06, 1083 (1) Damaged (1).

110. Elements of Public Health Engineering

by Duggal | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 3Publisher: 1985; S Chand & CoAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 438 628 DUG.

111. Elements of Public Health Engineering

by Duggal | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 3Publisher: 1985; S Chand & CoAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 438 628 DUG.

112. Bridge Engineering

by Rangwala | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 3Publisher: 1970; Charotar Publishing HouseAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): LS LIB 624.21 RAN.

114. Text Book of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering

by Hysain | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 1974; Oxford & IbhAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 439 628.1+.6 HYS.

115. Text Book of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering

by Hysain | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 2Publisher: 1974; Oxford & IbhAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH439T 628.1+.6 HYS.

116. A Course in High Voltage Engineering

by Jha | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 1Publisher: 1977; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.D42 621.3.027.3 JHA.

117. A Course in High Voltage Engineering

by Jha | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 1Publisher: 1977; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 234 621.3.027.3 JHA.

118. Industrial Engineering and Management

by Khanna | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 7Publisher: 1977; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No 472-473 65 KHA.

119. Industrial Engineering and Management

by Khanna | [AUTHOR].

Edition: 7Publisher: 1977; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.SH469T 65 KHA.

120. A Course in Control Engineering

by Subba Rao | [AUTHOR].

Publisher: 0; Dhanpat Rai & SonsAvailability: Items available for loan: Kumaraguru College of Technology (1). Location(s): Shelf No.D78 681.5 SUB.

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